If you think you have an employment law claim but are worried about the cost, Legal Expenses Insurance (LEI) could provide a solution.  
A lot of people are put off making a claim by the costs involved. But if you have been treated unfairly you deserve to put things right. We work with insurers so that financial barriers don’t stop you from getting a fair outcome. 
Legal Expenses Insurance allows you to make a claim without the worry of costs running away, so that you can seek justice without risking your financial stability. And best of all, many people already have this option but don't realise it. 
What is Legal Expenses Insurance? 
Legal Expenses Insurance (LEI) is insurance that covers legal costs should you need to make or defend a claim. It is often provided as an add-on to insurance policies, such as home, building, car or business insurance. It can also be included in policies for free or as standard, so you may have LEI without realising it. If you have LEI, your insurer should cover your legal costs if they believe you have a reasonable chance of winning. 
How to find out if you have legal expenses insurance 
Find out if you have LEI by reading any insurance policies you have. You may find LEI included in: 
home insurance 
care insurance 
building cover 
business insurance 
If you have LEI, your policy should also tell you whether it covers employment claims and any limitations, such as the maximum amount your insurer will pay.  
How we work with LEI clients 
You will need to confirm your LEI cover before we are able to begin work. If you aren’t sure how to go about this, we can help you. 
Even though your insurer is paying your costs, you are our client. We act in your best interests and have the same responsibility and commitment to all clients whether LEI or privately funded. Our priority is to help you resolve your dispute fairly and in your best interests, so that you can move on in your career. 
Throughout your case, we may have to speak to your insurer concerning the budget for work overall. This can sometimes slow the process down slightly, but we are experienced in working with LEI and will factor this additional time into our plans. 
What should I do next? 
Read through your insurance policies to see if you have LEI, and get in touch to discuss your legal claim.  
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