We're proud to have contributed to match funding for Edward's Trust for The Big Give Christmas Challenge 2021
Spencer Shaw Solicitors was one of 12 pledgers who contributed initial funding to help guarantee that donations made to Edward's Trust Big Give Challenge between today and midday on the 7th December would be matched.  
Sadly, 78% of 11-16-year olds have been bereaved of a close relative or friend. Donations to the Big Give Christmas Challenge will fund group sessions to 30 young people in the West Midlands to help them develop positive coping mechanisms for their grief. The sessions will include walking therapy, Mindfulness, physical exercise (taking into account the groups’ physical abilities), and healthy eating. The sessions will be run by a Wellbeing therapist who is a qualified fitness instructor and counsellor. Edward’s Trust knows from experience that bringing groups of people together who have been bereaved in similar ways creates informal peer support networks that last long after our support has ended. 
Donate here for your contribution to be doubled.  
Throughout the year we support Edward's Trust by providing funding for one counselling session each month, as well as organising, volunteering at and taking part in fundraising events.  
UPDATE: Edward's Trust hit their target within 24 hours! What an exceptional result.  
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