We're always keen to give back when we can. All of our team were state-school educated, and most were the first generation of their family to attend university. So we are keen to share our experience with other first-generation students navigating university and legal careers.  
This term we've had plety of opportunities. 
Birmingham City University - Be a career chameleon 
At the end of November, our Business Development Manager Laura hosted a virtual masterclass to get students thinking about transferrable skills. Many graduates feel stuck in a cycle of needing experience to get a job, but needing a job to get experience, and Laura was keen to help break the cycle. She shared her own journey, from studying criminal law to working in charity, before moving back into law, and highlighted how the skills she learnt along the way contributed to each role. She helped students to identify the skills they gain from studying which aren't subject-specific, and think about how to sell these skills to employers.  
Keele University - Careers in Law 
On 9th December, Laura and Principal Solicitor Ian joined a panel to answer students' questions about careers in law. Laura represented careers outside of being a solicitor or barrister, while Ian shared his insights as a solicitor and company founder. They gave students an honest and realistic view of day to day life working in law, and highlighted the skills needed.  
Birmingham City University - Networking 101 
Laura was part of a panel for a lunch and learn session, introducing student's to networking. Unfortunately she was ill on the day, so she demonstrated a vital rule of post-Covid networking - don't spread germs! Fortunately, she was able to send some of her top tips to share with students during the session. These included the benefits of going alone, how to feel confident, and the importance of thinking long term. She was keen to reassure students that you don't have to be an extrovert to network effectively.  
We hope the students found each session helpful!  
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